Ephyrm Healthcare Services

Ephyrm Healthcare Services

Empowering young people and vulnerable adults...

About Us

Our mission at Ephyrm Healthcare Services is to enable vulnerable children, young people and adult to lead fulfilling and empowered lives. We are dedicated to protecting and safeguarding the well-being, growth and development of all children and young people placed in our care.

At Ephyrm Healthcare Services, we specialise in providing life-empowering, impacting and fit for purpose services for deprived children, young people and adults. Part of our key services include focus on young people aged 16plus who may be experiencing social, physical, emotional and behavioural difficulties due to trauma and neglect in their young lives. We offer high quality residential care, supported living and appropriate therapeutic intervention for children and young people who have challenges and complex needs.

We have a team of highly skilled staff who create an amiable environment where children and young people feel safe, valued and where efforts are made to ensure that they have bespoke support for their individual, social, physiological and overall welfare needs. We are passionate about empowering our young people with life skills that are necessary for them to lead independent, productive and successful lives within the community.

Aim & Objectives


At Ephyrm Healthcare Services we have realised that one support package doesn’t fit all service users. As such, we thoroughly work out a client’s support requirement and thoughtfully prepare a bespoke and fit for purpose support solution for each individual in a safe environment. All our service users are treated with respect and dignity at all times whilst receiving support and lifelong independent skills.


  • To provide a safe, secure, homely and comfortable environment and services.
  • To provide practical and outcome focussed engagement sessions aimed at integrating our clients back to the community with the essential skill to be independent.
  • To empower children and young people to develop physically, psychologically, intellectually and socially.
  • To provide a home that young people are proud of and feel able to invite their friends and family
  • To create a stable environment where young people are nurtured and cared for by committed trained staff where our expectations and boundaries are clear.
  • As appropriate and documented in the care placement plans, to source support and counsel from external therapists to give them support and prepare them for independence.
  • Empowering and harnessing young people’s potential and ensuring they are well integrated into the community.
  • We will provide a conducive ambience where young people evolve positively with a sense of responsibility.
Ephyrm Healthcare Services

Our Services

Supported Living

We provide comfortable accommodation to adults and young people in the range of 16plus to live , learn and make transition to adulthood. The set up includes having staff member tasked with encouraging service users to be self –organising, focussed on their strengths ,build their confidence , empower them with social and physiological skills . Also we ensure that we are proactive in sensing risk and managing risk .

We take delight in engaging clients in constructive activities, paying apt attention to de-escalating and or seeking to prevent all potential situations and incidents before they occur and ensuring detailed log of incidents and issues in the event of occurrence. We have an emergency contact aimed at visiting the site if such situation arises.

We can support you with:

  • Budgeting
  • Claiming Benefit
  • Cleaning
  • Cooking
  • Shopping
  • Maintaining your tenancy
  • Accessing activities
  • Education
  • Employment

Community Support

  • Going to an appointment
  • Accessing activities
  • Building confidence
  • Budgeting & Shopping
  • Education & Training
  • Work Experience
  • Travel Training

Child Sexual and Exploitation Prevention Homes

Accordingly to Children Society in UK, there are over 16,500 children at risk of sexual exploitation in England. Preventing children and young people from being exposed to (CSE) Child Sexual Exploitation and providing support to those who have been directly involved is a collective responsibility.  At Ephyrm Healthcare Services, we provide confidential and independent support and advice for all children and young people who are either at risk of or actually experiencing sexual exploitation. We offer friendly and safe accommodation with extensive support for children who have had or at risk of having being exploited sexually. We ensure that we listen to what children say and take it seriously. We endeavour to restore confidence and hope through valuable and engaging services. We consult experts for advice and invite them in for therauptic sessions at when required.

Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers

We are aware that section 17 of the Children Act 1989 imposes a general duty on local authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area. Therefore at Ephyrm Healthcare Services, we provide asylum seekers with safe and comfortable accommodation. We ensure that through our dedicated staff and engagement with the local council 7 dimensions to a child’s development needs are looked after:

  • Health
  • Education and training
  • Emotional and behavioural development
  • Identity, with particular regard to religious persuasion, racial origin and cultural and linguistic background
  • Family and social relationships
  • Social presentation
  • Self-care skills.

Other Services we specialise in are those with Mental Health Needs and Young People on the Austic Spectrum

Ephyrm Healthcare Services

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At Ephyrm Healthcare Services we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide you with the  services you have requested from us.
By contacting us you are agreeing to these terms. Ephyrm Healthcare Services will NEVER pass your details on to any other individual/company/organisation without your expressed agreement in advance and only in the course of providing our services to you.